Outdoor Lighting Safety
Annual Campus Lighting and Safety Survey
Each winter, Facilities Management, Environment, Health & Safety and the UC San Diego Police Department partner with CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center to conduct campus lighting survey walks, assessing issues that can be improved to create a safer environment for our community. Representatives from Parking and Commuter Services, Residential Life, Residential, Retail & Supply Chain Services (RRSS), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Campus Planning and libraries also participate in the annual lighting survey.
2025 Survey
During the 2025 Annual Campus Lighting and Safety Survey, volunteers will meet each Thursday evening in February to search for potential safety hazards and other concerns. Participants will use an app to record areas that need improvement. This information will be shared with the campus teams equipped to address these issues by making repairs, adding signage/lighting or implementing other improvements.
Four separate survey walks will take place from 6–8 p.m. targeting these locations:
- February 6: Main campus buildings, including School of Medicine | meet at Town Square near the Flag Pole
- February 13: Main campus residential housing | meet at Town Square near the Flag Pole
- February 20: Coast, Mesa, One Miramar St., La Jolla Del Sol, Mesa Nueva and Nuevo East and West | meet at the parking lot at corner of Regents Rd. and Miramar St.
- February 27: Scripps Institution of Oceanography | meet at SIO NOAA Fisheries parking lot at the corner of La Jolla Shores Dr. and Shellback Way
Note: We can arrange accommodations for mobility-related and other accessibility requests.
Sign Up Now
Safety Improvements
The Facilities Management lighting team is systematically replacing all low-pressure sodium (yellow) street, walkway and parking lot lighting in areas it maintains with LED fixtures—anticipated completion December 2026. LEDs provide white light for increased safety and security at night in addition to using less energy, lasting longer and requiring less maintenance.
Interior Building Lighting
UC San Diego works diligently to conserve energy by limiting interior building lighting at night. However, during the Coronavirus pandemic, interior lighting remains on in many buildings to help ensure public safety and security.
Lighting Concerns
We ask that all concerns include specific information about the location. The walks will address only exterior concerns, and we review all submitted comments during the walks.
You can report lighting concerns by: