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Non-Hazardous Waste Management

Facilities Management custodial and landscaping staff collect trash and recycling in state-funded areas.

The University of California is committed to achieving zero waste (defined as 90 percent diversion from landfill) by reducing per capita municipal solid waste generation to 25% below fiscal year 2015–16 levels by 2025, and 50% below fiscal year 2015–16 levels by 2030 at each campus.

Learn more about zero waste and recycling on campus.

Campus customers can request a special pickup on a recharge basis.

Find out how to Dispose of hazardous waste.

Office Recycling Containers and Bin Buddies

Bin Buddy

Campus offices and cubicles have a blue recycling bin and an attached Bin Buddy, a miniature trash container.

Why We Use Bin Buddies

  • Since most office waste is recyclable, the Bin Buddy size represents approximately how much of what you throw away is trash. When you recycle properly and reuse items like coffee mugs, refillable water bottles and utensils, the Bin Buddy is large enough for your non-recyclable waste items and encourages more recycling.
  • Eliminating trash and recycle bin liners saves resources and money.
  • Many organizations use mini-bin programs, including UC Berkeley, Tufts University and Dartmouth College, among others.

How to Use Your Office Recycling Container and Bin Buddy

Custodians empty recycling and trash containers in offices and cubicles at least once a week. Larger trash and recycling bins in common areas are emptied daily.

  • Put paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, glass, plastics #1-7, and hard Styrofoam in your blue bin for recycling.
  • Put napkins, tissues, paper towels, food waste (unless you have access to composting), non-rigid plastic (like plastic bags, plastic wraps), and foil wrappers (e.g., candy and granola bar wrappers, chip and cookie bags, etc.) in the trash.
  • Dispose of messy food waste in a lined kitchen or common area trash bin. If you are composting food waste in a central kitchen trash container, only throw away dry items.
  • If your Bin Buddy fills before your weekly trash pickup, take trash to a nearby kitchen, break or conference room where custodians empty trash daily.

See a complete list of cleaning services and frequencies.

Outdoor Recycling and Trash Removal


Facilities Management uses Bigbelly waste management bins throughout campus. Staff empty other outdoor recycling containers on Tuesdays and Fridays and pickup trash as scheduled below. 

Trash Pickup Schedule

Eleanor Roosevelt College Pickup
Bldg. 100 – Pepper Canyon, Food Works, Matthews Apartments M/T/W/F/S
Bldg. 1200 weekdays
Bldg. 701 – Residence Halls, Bldg. 1700 M/W/F
Marshal. College Pickup
Marshall College Units I, II, and III – Residence Halls, Oceanview Terrace, Supercomputer Center M-S
Eucalyptus Point, RIMAC, UNEX weekdays
Bubble Building, Chemistry Research Building, Fireside Lounge, Institute of the Americas, Media Center, School of Global Policy & Strategy, Social Science Building, Spanos Facility, Torrey Pines Center North M/W/F
Mountainview Lounge W
Mesa Pickup
Preuss School M-S
Shiley Eye Institute M/T/W/F
Early Childhood Education Center M/W/F/S

Central Mesa: #9224A, #9230, #9234, #9238, #9256, #9264, and #9270

North Mesa: #3819, #3875, #3927, #3959 #3999, #4051 and #4091

South Mesa: #9106, #9126, #9130, #9152, #9156, #9162, #9176 and #9192

West Mesa: #3745 and #3755

Muir College Pickup
AP&M/McGill Hall, Sierra Summit weekdays
Muir Apartments and Tioga Hall M/T/W/F/S
Muir Biology F
Revelle College Pickup
Revelle Cafeteria M/T/W/F/S
Atlantis Hall, Galbraith Hall, Mandell Weiss, Pacific Hall, Urey Hall weekdays
Bonner Hall, Central Utilities Plant, Forum Theater, Mayer Hall, Natural Science Building, Revelle Housing, York Hall M/W/F
Che Café On call
School of Medicine Pickup
Stein Clinical Research, Stein Clinical Research Building weekdays
Basic Science T/F
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Pickup
Birch Aquarium, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Endurance Hall, Hydraulics Lab, Hubbs Hall, IGPP I – Munk, IGPP II, Keck Building, Nierenberg Hall, Remote Sensing Facility, Ritter Hall, Scholander Hall, Scripps Library, Sea Weed Canyon, SIO Snack Bar, SIO Storehouse, South Service Yard M/W/F
University Center Pickup
Center Hall, Geisel Library, International Center, Mandeville Center, SERF – Bldg. 409, Student Center weekdays
Career Services, Parking Lot 403, Student Health, UCTR 303 M/W/F
Warren College Pickup
Canyon View Pool, CMRR, EBU I, EBU II, EBU III – PFBH weekdays
Campus Services Complex, Canyon Vista Cafeteria, Literature Building, Warren Apartments, Warren Residence Halls M/W/F
Biology Field Station F
Off Campus Pickup
7835 Trade St.: Bookstore, STORE, Surplus Sales M/W/F
Camp Elliott F
Mt. Soledad On call

Customer-Requested Services


Contact the Customer Relations help desk, (858) 534-2930, 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., weekdays.